After High school – As soon as students finish their high school exams, their biggest fear rises to their heads and that is to choose the stream for furthering their career. This situation becomes a nightmare to the students because people also like playing this question-answer game with students instead of helping them make a decision.
Many students don’t like this irritating question especially from a few very irritating aunts who only ask this question to bother students, whereas they already have too much tension regarding this topic due to an unclear situation in the mind.
This is so because students being inexperienced could not make a decision regarding their further career. Nobody understands that this is such a confusing moment for the students because their whole career depends on their one decision here.
Situation becomes more critical due to the presence of a lot of options. This is a situation of dilemma because if the students don’t have proper knowledge and research work then they may end up making a wrong decision which can make them regret their whole life ahead.
Although these days students have various facilities to conduct their studies online and they can search a lot of options to search for their further career.
For example, LMS portals are there for safe learning online.Online teaching provides ways for the students to conduct their online learning without any problem. Apart from this ERP software is there for school management. An education app be used to automate and simplify individual activities across a business or organization.
In the process to choose any career stream after high school it is necessary that students should search their interest in the particular field they are interested in.
Their interest is very necessary regarding their career because usually students opt those career options which are suggested by their parents, mentors or by those people whom they assume as very knowledgeable but they never pinpoint their mind towards those subjects or fields, in which they hold some interest or passion.
This is necessary because studies have shown that students perform far more than good in those subjects and fields in which they hold passion because being interested they use their 100% creativity in those fields of career and attain best position and knowledge as well.
Every student contains unique skills, strength and weakness and every such student works accordingly. Many parents impose their incomplete dreams on their children just because they didn’t get the chance to complete it. There students become compelled to accomplish their dreams being burdened by their dreams emotionally.
But this ruins the career of the students as they don’t have any interest in those streams where their parents sent them and they begin to score poor marks in lack of interest. Now if the parents don’t compel the students even then they get confused because of lots of options in front of them.
So, while making a decision it is necessary to keep in mind that there will be consequences of their decisions in their future life in the form of progress and loss also. So, students need to make their decisions on the basis of their strength and weakness regarding their interest level in particular subjects.
So, those students who have interest in science and matters related to science they can opt science as their further career after high school. In science students get the career stream for either medical or engineering.
Now there is an interesting fact also that students who pursue science for intermediate they can opt commerce or art in graduation but students from arts and commerce are not able to pursue science in graduation. Those students who have interest in literature opt arts and they further excel in lectureship, journalism, teaching, social work, government jobs etc.
Now the stream left for the students is commerce but astonishingly this is the second most popular career stream after science among the students because having completed it students can opt for MBA for management courses and can attain manager’s post in various organization or they can pursue for CA too which is again a very handsome salary paying professional job which is very reputative also . Students having streams of commerce also give them a good career line in accounting.
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